Saturday, August 25, 2007

How Crappy!

Today was supposed to be a nice day visiting HIS House in LaCenter. Well, after the roadtrip my friend and I saw that they were closed. SOOOoo, we went on to explore Wickliffe which took about 2.5 seconds of my life. We made it to this place that is across from Wickliffe Mounds and the place has some type of native american name not sure. ANYWAYS, they had these little native american dolls and their skin color was this dark red/brick color. I almost crapped cause thats kinda ummm thats stereotyping or something. I should have bought one but decided not to.

We did find one thing and it was at this far flung flea market place which had a book about microwaving all kinds of food. It was from 1985 and boy did it have some disgusting food in it. Who the hell eats a turkey cooked in the microwave...OH WAIT! The owner of the flea market said he has and that it wasnt bad. Yeah right hello radiation!

So yeah the rest of the day was just randomness. I did manage to cut my nipple shaving my manly chest though so that was somewhat of a highlight. Oh joy I just love life in Paducah, KY!

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